Aspects of Building Trust

In building trust with others, you need to first trust them. You trusting others will enable them trust you as well. When trusting business in business, you need to “set your default to yes”. Listen to what they have to say regarding a particular subject of interest. Listen to understand them not to answer them. People in businesses feel confident if their leader resorts to their help in solving a pending problem. You should help people that work for or with you. Build them to become better at what they do. As an entrepreneur, your biggest assets are your human resource. So, helping them to help you should be an important matter to you. Instead of focusing on what others do to help you, rather consider asking yourself “what can I do to help this person?”

Hiring Ethical People

Hire people who are generally good people and kind people. People that have compassion towards one another. People that love and actually can work with others no matter who they are and where they come from build unity and respect in business environments. Such people care for others. They see the good in others and often offer their help when others are in certain situations. Such people place the interest of others first to theirs. When hiring people, consider getting these kinds of people. In business, you want people to stay for a long time, and hiring nice people means they are work together towards a goal. Ethical people have strong customer relationship because the whole idea of a business is willing customers and people who are nice naturally build strong tights with customers.

Leadership and Capability

Leadership is about having these 3 qualities; CAPABILITY,  COLLABORATION, AND CHARACTER. These 3 qualities make a little a good one or bad one. A leader’s capability is not about the skills and abilities the person possesses, it’s about asking good questions and wait for answers. A good leader seeks for the opinion of others when a problem arises. He includes his colleagues in a dialogue of how to solve a problem and not necessarily trying to be seen the hero. A good leader trusts his colleagues’ ability and tolerate their opinions and suggestions. Being a good leader means you understand that the customer is always right. And knows exactly what is good. As a  leader, your focus should be on what others think especially customers. Treat everyone with respect. Doing this helps the leader learn what’s supposed to be taught.  A good learn never ceases the opportunity to study. Continues learning increases your knowledge and understanding.


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