WEEK 5: The Hero’s Journey

I was thrilled this week studying and learning about the “The Hero’s Journey”. Now these were among the many insights I learned about the Journey of an entrepreneur. One thing that really stood out to me is that fact that entrepreneurs “learn how to learn” and not necessarily how to make money. In learning how to learn, entrepreneurs focus on making their points but not try to be the smartest person. The reason most entrepreneurs gets stuck at a point is focusing all their attention on how to make money and live a good life, but they will be forgetting that success is not about money but it’s about asking yourself these very important questions in the long run;
1. Have contributed something meaningful?
2. Are my a good person?
3. Who did I love and who loved me?
Having these questions in mind helps entrepreneurs understand that their success truly is not the wealth they amaze but the impact their actions had on the lives of others.

Entrepreneurs never give up! They keep on pushing hard and organized themselves up when they fall.  Continues perseverance is a principle of every entrepreneur. They learn to do things when others say, “this is not possible”. Entrepreneurs make possible the impossible.

As entrepreneurs, we need to write down the “I will not” and don’t cross them. If you do cross any of them, stop and work on correcting them. Entrepreneurs live by principles. And because of this, they set standards for themselves and their business. So, entrepreneurs don’t live without principles because that will mean they plan to fail.

Be kind to your fellow travelers in this life. Choose your associates wisely. Being around good and positive people helps you figure out your potential and what works best for you. And show gratitude to people that once been kind to you. Find them and let them know how grateful you are for what they did to you. Let love lead as entrepreneurs.


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